Isabelle Huppert



From the moment it was published, in the fall of 1984, L’Amant sold thousands of copies. Marguerite Duras’ very intimate voice found its public, and the prestigious Prix Goncourt only confirms it. L’Amant is an enchanting novel, which focuses on the experience of an entire lifetime in a simple and touching form. With Marguerite Duras, life and writing haunt one another.
And both are inhabited by her Indochinese youth. In L’Amant, it is as if the writer, having reached the end of the line, went through an old photo album. One can almost hear her voice comment on the images, letting a remote landscape rise to the surface of her memory – the mighty waters of the Mekong, the maternal home. Blurry shapes come back to life, effortlessly filling up the scenery. Among them, the lover. He is never named.
A maiden girl, minor, daughter of poor colonists, and the rich heir of a Chinese promoter, were as likely to meet as Titus and Berenice, Orient and Occident. They did nevertheless. Within those pages, their two worlds blend together, and the rest remains on the threshold of the lovers’ room. Lust and passion are all the more intense they are laden with impossibility. It cannot last. But what they experience before their separation endures the years like an unforgettable secret, destined to fuel the work of one of the greatest voices of the century.

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Sophie Hossenlopp


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